ngo training services
ngo training consultancy service
ngo training consultancy service in Kolkatta
 Training on Right to Education Act and Other Schemes Related to Education

Major Contents: RTE, NEP, schemes and facilities for the school students, facilities for the children with special needs from a school.

Duration: 1 day

Workshop on Special Curriculum Development to Bridge the Gap of Drop out Students

Major Contents:  To prepare and enrol the drop out students at their age-appropriate class in govt school, special accelerated curriculum can be designed on language and numerical so that within one-year children can learn the competencies of two/three grades. The curriculum will be designed according to NCERT guidelines.

Duration 5 days

 Academic Improvement Tracking of children and MIS system

Majot Contents: Baseline Academic Assessment to know the present academic level of the children, Group Formation according to their Academic Level, Planning of Teaching, Periodical Progress Tracking, Endline Academic Assessment, Improvement Tracking Data Collection and Analysis procedure.

Duration 3 days

 Classroom Management and Role of Teacher

Majot Contents: Multi-level Multi-grade classroom management, effective seating arrangement, use of TLMs, use of different teaching methods, role of teachers in classroom transaction. Understanding on Child Rights, child abuse and corporal punishment, counselling process, Involving Parents and Community Members in school/ community-based centers.

Duration 3 days

 Monitoring and Mentoring Process of Education Center

Major Contents: Role of Supervisor, concept of education strategies, input, output and outcome, criteria of holistic development of children, academic and non-academic areas, visit plan and monitoring issues, mentoring community teachers, meeting with parents, children, stakeholders and teachers. Report writing, MIS, case identification and case study writing.

Duration 3 days